'it's a FROWARD thing'
13 January 2023
Some years ago it seems unbenown to myself I embarked upon A possibly imppossible quest How Neither Knowingly nor intentionally A Simple pique of interest led down A long line of ladders and crosses that read to three or rather four rivers and the way beyond through the Shifting Sands of time
To begin can sometimes be the start of an ending
Five Hundred years ago in 1623 the First Folio containing 'Mr Wiliiam SHAKESPEARES Comedies, Histories and Tragedies' the renaissance plays of an English playwright was published. Now Shakespeare, had been dead for over seven years, but this book, remains (one of-if not) the most important and influential ever written in the English language. The First Folio (folio, denoting the size, of the book) was compiled by fellow actors Hemmings and Condell and printed by booksellers Jaggard and Blount. Prefacing the 36 plays included in the First Folio book, are printed perplexing poems and eulogaic pieces, as well as a dual dedication.
The Dual Dedication 'to the most noble and incomparable paire of brethren' (the Herbert brothers, William and Philip) implies, such a sense of familiarity over hopeful cause, theatrically, it made my ears prick up and I started digging....
If you are with me.... for HH read Honourable House, and LL read Learned (or Leading) Ladies.
You see it turns out that with SHAKESPEARE, it is all about being heard.... and listening to the spoken word.
WILL's work is written still mouthed loud and dispearsed.
Sounds E merging Across see fair in voices rhythmically rhymed and entwined.
It may be fair to say that perhaps the truest essence of will lies in the actual works themselves having no desire to dive deep into SAQ waters or fame fuelled bard branding, let alone whisper with those who conspire. As the works of Shakespeare (especially in illuminated entireity) are just a gift that can keep on giving, and will. The First Folio is what I call a Compilation Book, being something (some things). One book, that brings together in inked harmony a unity of diverse parts formed into a whole which is as reflective of its sum as it is of its times of combination and respective individual writings, presenting a layering of meaning and connection for deeper reading. How, what, why, where and when you read is up to you, the reader but there are different types and ways of reading, one could say you can read what you will into it, but make sure you don't read too much.....
Over time (our past present and future) through sensitively balanced perspectives we may be able to widley unlock a third wheel in our understanding of the Shakespeare enigma.
Following several ears of research trails in a trigg (or triple) line form (frequently used in the Scarlet-Etoile method), I took a tripple pronged academic artistic archeaological approach, carefully peeling back the layers of contemporary documentation and representations in art and the written word. Focussing initially upon theatrical associations and familial artistic patronage it soon became clear that the net was cast neither wide nor tight enough. In starting 'Shaking a Spear at the Earl of Pembroke's Men' through 'Singing Hunnis' and 'Blackfriars Performance' where cast and crew are far reaching not few. I may have accidently opened the door through which the seen, once seen, may now knot be unseen. For it may be, that what lies hidden in plain sight becomes the most awkward to unveil to blinded eyes.
Enter at your own risk, if you dare to go there.