
E Merging Comb-Y-Nation All Cultural Boundaries

20 January 2023

2 B || ! 2 B THAT is the ?

-In the stage directions of Life -|- Death enters before Time-

Now asking How?

Reaching what I really regarded to be my research finale, I found myself at the start of an epic! - Time.... Has a funny way of turning & resonating in ouroborus forms.  An end and a begininng. IT, is discovering a 'shinning star' in a black hole....

Stepping off the stage with a wooden ladder I climbed a whole load o' branches and shook a whole lot o' leaves. Tracing interconnected roles through family literature, and tracking imprints of dedicated patronage across artistic landscapes. Although the path may have started with 'The Earl of Pembroke's Men', it has led to a multitude of Learned Ladies playing prominent parts, and so, so much more....  Thus, This digital  (inter) face (that you see) is a Blogged-down communication, presenting examples of findings arising from genealogical and academic study.  Using a ScarleT Etoile Methodic / or Systematic trigg; with applicational, quantative and developmental evaluations, in Relationality, fit, form, function and Identity.

                                                                                                         (In other words, a triple layer-perspective approach, or methodology.)


            | STAN might say its all in the method you see: the tree... be the tree... you are the tree.

          Warming up: -   It is always, essential to start, (as you mean to go on) with a level playing field. Entering 1623, in a blank slate, slipping backwards in time untarnished by unknown future & opinions. We Leave our shoes at the door, along with present prejudices pedicured.

Proceeding cautiously while consciuosly weighing every contemporary source, and every evidential kernel with pieced, potential equal weight and scepticism.  A balanced and biased aware way is fundamental.  Assembling a body of individual aspects (collectively and comparatively) gathering and examining evidence to build a bigger overview (and detailed) picture. In relating to the family branch line of subjects (people) and the objects being studied, this layered sensibility lit up some considerably divergent linguistic and cultural attitudes and perspectives. Among some of the main incidences noted was difinitively one of duality, appearing in various guises. With differing styles, types and relationships of familial patronage discovered, consideration of cross-sectional snaps at particular pinch-point periods (of conflux) were measured. Where differing influences converge and cultural change is conveyed, cross-referenced through artistic output. During the course of investigations, certain multi-generational artistically-represented patterns of patronage emerged. Particularly noticeable in diversification of roles, relationsips and varying degrees of artistic patronage as well as language and cultural bias, which we shall come to in more detail later.


'Cucullus non facit monachum'           Twelfth Night Act I Scene 5                 ('The hood does not make the monk')


Proverbially, we know we should never judge a book by its cover. But of course... we still do....


      Observing an anchor reference-point as Shakespeare, meaning (all) the works esp. First Folio. Shakespeare is thus termed from here on in (unless otherwise stated). We set sail for a port of multi connectors. Not so much a java jive or shipping sonnets in C Sharp, the medium is penned before you. It's language, made up of many, and few, reading masses, we need to read multiple languages. For where there is one, there are many.





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